With people returning to the office after 15 months of home indulgence, many will be looking for healthy food-to-go options for breakfast. With scrambled egg pots and porridge pots ready in just 15 seconds using the Scraegg oven, here are some fantastic flavours to try out...

Life is slowly returning to normal and ‘working from home’ is going to become part time rather than full time. This is going to be a welcome relief to the all the businesses who have missed the morning commuter over the last 15 months. There will be genuine excitement as people no longer have to make their coffee and the same breakfast that has got them through the various lockdowns. With so many people hitting the pavements again, it’s a great opportunity to show new menu items and attract new customers.

A lot of people have found the lure of the fridge difficult to ignore and ‘lockdown weight gain’ is a commonly heard phrase in the news. And while we know a lot of businesses have bought Merrychefs to speed up service there are only so many bacon sandwiches everyone can eat. Scraegg offers shops the easiest way to make scrambled eggs and porridge pots. Both are ready in under 20 seconds – quicker than making a coffee.
Using Scraegg to produce these pots has plenty of advantages. Speed is a big factor. We’ve all experienced hotel buffet scrambled eggs which have been sitting under the hot lamp. It’s a totally different product to freshly prepared scrambled eggs. Food service providers also have a great range of liquid egg which removes the element of mess and simplifies production. Furthermore anyone who prepared pans of porridge will know the least fun part is the cleaning up afterwards! Scraegg produces individual portions in the container it is served in removing all the cleaning.

Check out the video quick video below to see how how easy it is to prepare eggs using Scraegg. Or for further information about the Scraegg get in touch with The High Speed Oven Company.

Last year we did some work with the brilliant Baltzersen’s in Harrogate who came up with some fantastic flavours for both egg and porridge pots. Some of these included:

Scandi – topped with gravlaxs, dill creme fraiche and beetroot
Mexican – topped with tomato, chilli, onion, coriander, black beans and avocado
English – topped with bacon & sausage

Classic – with caramel, sliced apple and toasted almonds
Wholesome – with fruit compote, skyr and granola
P.B. & J. – with peanut butter, banana and jam